Britpave, the British Cementitious Paving Association, is an independent body established to develop and forward concrete and cementitious solutions for infrastructure.
Please note, Britpave Trade Association has no commercial interest in or trading association with Britpave concrete step barrier. For contact details see:
It is active in the development of solutions and best practice for roads, rail, airfields, guided bus, drainage channels, soil stabilisation and recycling. As such, the Association is the focal point for the infrastructure industry.
The broad membership of Britpave encourages the exchange of pan-industry expertise and experience. Members include contractors, consulting engineers and designers, specialist equipment and material suppliers, academics and clients both in the UK and internationally.
The Association works closely with national and European standards and regulatory bodies, clients and associated industry organisations. It provides a single industry voice that facilitates representation to government, develops best practice and technical guidance and champions concrete solutions that are cost efficient, sustainable, low maintenance and long-lasting.
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Easthampstead Park
Off Peacock Lane
Berkshire RG40 3DF
A major consideration for the construction choice was improved ride quality which was achieved due to the use of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) which has no movement joints and resists possible long-term residual settlement and/or movement.
The busway features two 3m wide monoliths complete with upstand kerbs and a central drainage channel. Use of a precision grinding machine provided a very smooth finish to the busway. Of note, was the achievement of +/-3mm horizontal and +0/-5mm vertical alignment precision. Also notable was the impressive slipformed pavement output of 11,000m3 PQ concrete at a rate of 32m3 per hour and a grinding operation that delivered the precise finish at 200m per shift.
Latest figures from First Manchester, which runs the Vantage services on the busway, show patronage continuing to grow, with 45,000 people a week now on board – almost equivalent to the population of Leigh. Since Vantage launched in April this year, it has already carried one million customers and a recent survey found that a fifth of passengers have switched from their cars – which equates to 460,000 fewer cars on the roads over a year.